ABC Lab co-designs early years Living Lab with Dundee Science Centre

Geraldine Brown
Friday 10 August 2018

Dundee Science Centre has successfully bid for over £1.5m from the Inspiring Science Fund, a scheme that helps science centres to rethink what they do and what they offer to the public. One of the key elements is a whole exhibition dedicated to early years visitors that supports research into early years development. This was co-designed with the St Andrews Baby and Child (ABC) Lab in the School of Psychology & Neuroscience.

Our joint vision is to create a ‘Living Lab’ where parents and children interact with scientists. Watching studies and chatting with researchers can create a dialogue to help parents gain insights into the way child development research is conducted with children. Giving this kind of research ‘centre stage’ in the science centre enhances public understanding that the mind of a child is complicated and worthy of scientific study. With over 70,000 visitors a year, it is hoped that this exciting development, which will be completed in 2021, will help support advancements in the scientific field of child development.